How old is Wesley Schultz? When is Wesley Schultz's birthday? Where is Wesley Schultz born? Where did Wesley Schultz grow up from? What's Wesley Schultz's age?
Wesley Schultz Born: 1982 (age 40years)
How about Wesley Schultz's movies?
Wesley Schultz Movies: III, The Lumineers: Live at Musilac Festival, The Lumineers - Konzert in Paris 2019
Is Wesley Schultz married? When did Wesley Schultz get married? Who's Wesley Schultz's married to? (Who's Wesley Schultz's husband / wife)?
Wesley Schultz Spouse: Brandy Schultz (m. 2014)
How about Wesley Schultz's parents?
Wesley Schultz Parents: Judy Schultz
How about Wesley Schultz's group?
Wesley Schultz Group: The Lumineers (Since2005)
How many kids does Wesley Schultz have?
The Lumineers are an American alternative folk band based in Denver, Colorado. The founding members are Wesley Schultz (lead vocals, guitar) and Jeremiah Fraites (drums, percussion, piano). Schultz and Fraites began writing and performing together in Ramsey, New Jersey, in 2005.
Does Wesley Schultz have a wife?
The Lumineers are an American alternative folk band based in Denver, Colorado. The founding members are Wesley Schultz (lead vocals, guitar) and Jeremiah Fraites (drums, percussion, piano). Schultz and Fraites began writing and performing together in Ramsey, New Jersey, in 2005.
Who is head singer of Lumineers?
The Lumineers are an American alternative folk band based in Denver, Colorado. The founding members are Wesley Schultz (lead vocals, guitar) and Jeremiah Fraites (drums, percussion, piano). Schultz and Fraites began writing and performing together in Ramsey, New Jersey, in 2005.
Who writes The Lumineers songs?
The Lumineers are an American alternative folk band based in Denver, Colorado. The founding members are Wesley Schultz (lead vocals, guitar) and Jeremiah Fraites (drums, percussion, piano). Schultz and Fraites began writing and performing together in Ramsey, New Jersey, in 2005.