How old is Scott Miller (entrepreneur)? When is Scott Miller (entrepreneur)'s birthday? Where is Scott Miller (entrepreneur) born? Where did Scott Miller (entrepreneur) grow up from? What's Scott Miller (entrepreneur)'s age?
Scott Miller (entrepreneur) Born: 1961 (age 62years), Florida, United States
Scott Miller (entrepreneur) Founded organization: 3D Realms, Apogee Entertainment, Apogee Software, Radar Group
Scott Miller is the founder of Apogee, a developer and publisher of shareware games. He first developed and sold full games as shareware, but only started to make money when he offered a portion of the game as shareware, and asked to pay to receive the rest of the game.
Apogee Software, Ltd. Apogee adopted the trading name 3D Realms in 1996; the "Apogee Software" name and logo were sold to Terry Nagy in 2008, using which he established Apogee Entertainment.