How old is Mike Duggan? When is Mike Duggan's birthday? Where is Mike Duggan born? Where did Mike Duggan grow up from? What's Mike Duggan's age?
Mike Duggan Born: 1958 (age 65years), Detroit, MI
Is Mike Duggan married? When did Mike Duggan get married? Who's Mike Duggan's married to? (Who's Mike Duggan's husband / wife)?
Mike Duggan Spouse: Sonia Hassan (m. 2021), Lori Maher (m. 19862019)
How about Mike Duggan's education?
Mike Duggan Education: University of Michigan Law School (1983), University of Michigan (1980), Detroit Catholic Central High School
How about Mike Duggan's nationality?
Mike Duggan Nationality: American
How about Mike Duggan's party?
Mike Duggan Party: Democratic Party
How about Mike Duggan's descendants?
Mike Duggan Descendants: Eddie Duggan, Patrick Duggan, Carolyn Duggan, Mary Duggan
How about Mike Duggan's current position?
Mike Duggan Current position: Mayor of Detroit, Michigan since 2014
What has Mike Duggan done for Detroit?
Incumbent. Mike DugganThe current mayor is Mike Duggan, who was sworn into office on January 1, 2014.
Has Detroit ever had a Republican mayor?
Incumbent. Mike DugganThe current mayor is Mike Duggan, who was sworn into office on January 1, 2014.
Where does the mayor of Detroit live?
Incumbent. Mike DugganThe current mayor is Mike Duggan, who was sworn into office on January 1, 2014.
Who is currently mayor of Detroit?
Incumbent. Mike DugganThe current mayor is Mike Duggan, who was sworn into office on January 1, 2014.