Kate Upton Baywatch Video Showcases Model's Many Talents

Photographer Terry Richardson, the man who brought us the wonder that is the Kate Upton cat daddy video, has followed it up with another viral hit. Titled The Many Talents of Kate Upton, Terrys new video spoofs the 90s show Baywatch, with the model as a lifeguard, running in a tiny red bikini.

Photographer Terry Richardson, the man who brought us the wonder that is the Kate Upton cat daddy video, has followed it up with another viral hit.

Titled “The Many Talents of Kate Upton,” Terry’s new video spoofs the ’90s show Baywatch, with the model as a lifeguard, running in a tiny red bikini.

Backed by a punk-rock soundtrack, Kate’s other “talents” include skateboarding, hula-hooping, riding roller coasters … and yes, wet t-shirt contests.

Check it out below and go take a cold shower:

Richardson continues the All-American theme of Kate Upton’s GQ photos (which he also shot), by visiting a beachside amusement park in the video.

Kate even experiences a wardrobe malfunction briefly at one point. Life is tough for supermodels. All in all, Terry is good at what he does for a living.

Well, except for maybe those Lindsay Lohan gun photos. Stick to Kate, Terry. No need for train wreck celebs pointing firearms into their mouths.

