How old is Joe Jurevicius? When is Joe Jurevicius's birthday? Where is Joe Jurevicius born? Where did Joe Jurevicius grow up from? What's Joe Jurevicius's age?
Joe Jurevicius Born: December 23, 1974 (age 48years), Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Is Joe Jurevicius married? When did Joe Jurevicius get married? Who's Joe Jurevicius's married to? (Who's Joe Jurevicius's husband / wife)?
Joe Jurevicius Spouse: Meagan
Does Joe Jurevicius have any children? What are the names of Joe Jurevicius's children? What are the ages of Joe Jurevicius's children?
Joe Jurevicius Children: Michael William Jurevicius, Caroline, Ava
How about Joe Jurevicius's education?
Joe Jurevicius Education: Lake Catholic High School, The Pennsylvania State University
How tall is Joe Jurevicius in meters or centimeters?
Joe Jurevicius Height: 1.96m
What is Joe Jurevicius doing now?
Jurevicius owns a commercial cleaning and laundry businesses headquartered outside of Cleveland.
When did Joe Jurevicius retire?
He retired from the NFL after the 2007 season. He owns several businesses, including laundromats and a commercial laundry company. And twice a week he visits the cemetery to be with his son, Michael William Jurevicius, who was born five days before that 2002 season's championship game.