How old is Harmony Samuels? When is Harmony Samuels's birthday? Where is Harmony Samuels born? Where did Harmony Samuels grow up from? What's Harmony Samuels's age?
Harmony Samuels Born: May 16, 1980 (age 43years), Tottenham, London, United Kingdom
How about Harmony Samuels's instrument?
Harmony Samuels Instrument: keyboards, guitar, bass guitar, drums
How about Harmony Samuels's full name?
Harmony Samuels Full name: Harmony Olakunle David Samuels
How about Harmony Samuels's nominations?
Harmony Samuels Nominations: Grammy Award for Best R&B Song, MORE
How about Harmony Samuels's songwriting partner?
Harmony Samuels Songwriting partner: Ariana Grande, Al Sherrod Lambert, MORE
How old is Harmony Samuels?
Hailing from London and now based in Los Angeles, Harmony Samuels is more than a songwriter and producer, he is a bridge. A self-taught musician since the age of four, Harmony stays true to his name and uses music as a power tool to unify the world with vibrations.
Who is the musician named harmony?
Hailing from London and now based in Los Angeles, Harmony Samuels is more than a songwriter and producer, he is a bridge. A self-taught musician since the age of four, Harmony stays true to his name and uses music as a power tool to unify the world with vibrations.