How tall is Deshaun Watson in meters or centimeters?
Deshaun Watson Height: 6 ft 3 in (1.91 m)
How about Deshaun Watson's weight?
Deshaun Watson Weight: 223 lb (101 kg)
How old is Deshaun Watson? When is Deshaun Watson's birthday? Where is Deshaun Watson born? Where did Deshaun Watson grow up from? What's Deshaun Watson's age?
Deshaun Watson Born: September 14, 1995 (age 28years), Gainesville, GA
How about Deshaun Watson's parents?
Deshaun Watson Parents: Deann Watson
How about Deshaun Watson's full name?
Deshaun Watson Full name: Derrick Deshaun Watson
How about Deshaun Watson's team?
Deshaun Watson Team: Cleveland Browns (#4 / Quarterback)
How about Deshaun Watson's school?
Deshaun Watson School: Clemson University
What happened to Deshaun Watson now?
Current ContractIn 2023, Watson will earn a base salary of $1,080,000 and a restructure bonus of $44,920,000, while carrying a cap hit of $19,057,000 and a dead cap value of $220,057,000. Contract Notes: $230M guaranteed (signing bonus + 2022 salary + 2023 salary + 2024 salary + 2025 salary + 2026 salary)
Is Deshaun Watson still making money?
Current ContractIn 2023, Watson will earn a base salary of $1,080,000 and a restructure bonus of $44,920,000, while carrying a cap hit of $19,057,000 and a dead cap value of $220,057,000. Contract Notes: $230M guaranteed (signing bonus + 2022 salary + 2023 salary + 2024 salary + 2025 salary + 2026 salary)