How old is Chris Cuomo? When is Chris Cuomo's birthday? Where is Chris Cuomo born? Where did Chris Cuomo grow up from? What's Chris Cuomo's age?
Chris Cuomo Born: 1970 (age 53years), Queens, New York, NY
Is Chris Cuomo married? When did Chris Cuomo get married? Who's Chris Cuomo's married to? (Who's Chris Cuomo's husband / wife)?
Chris Cuomo Spouse: Cristina Greeven Cuomo (m. 2001)
Chris Cuomo Parents: Mario Matthew Cuomo, Matilda Cuomo
Chris Cuomo Sibling: Andrew Cuomo, Margaret I. Cuomo, Madeline Cuomo, Maria Cuomo Cole
Does Chris Cuomo have any children? What are the names of Chris Cuomo's children? What are the ages of Chris Cuomo's children?
Chris Cuomo Children: Bella Cuomo
In November 2021, Cuomo was suspended indefinitely by CNN after reports that he assisted in the defense against the sexual harassment allegations that led to his brother's resignation. He was fired by CNN the following month. He subsequently joined Nexstar Media Group, hosting Cuomo for NewsNation.