The Only Celebrity on Steroids?

Considering his past relationship with Madonna, its safe to assume that Alex Rodriguez yearns to be included in the celebrity gossip world. But what about those stars that grew up dreaming of playing professional baseball? How many of them would trade spots with ARod? And how many have already tried to follow his muscle-bound lead?

Considering his past relationship with Madonna, it’s safe to assume that Alex Rodriguez yearns to be included in the celebrity gossip world.

But what about those stars that grew up dreaming of playing professional baseball? How many of them would trade spots with ARod? And how many have already tried to follow his muscle-bound lead?

Following the news that Rodriguez tested positive for steroids in 2003, our staff flipped through countless pictures and came up with a list of actors/singers that may have been enhancing their performances with more than mere protein shakes.

Cheer up, Alex Rodriguez. You aren’t the only star to have tried steroids.

This is mere speculation on our part, but click on the following photos to see which celebs may be juiced up on more than just Kool Aid…

