How old is Ahmed Ezz (actor)? When is Ahmed Ezz (actor)'s birthday? Where is Ahmed Ezz (actor) born? Where did Ahmed Ezz (actor) grow up from? What's Ahmed Ezz (actor)'s age?
Ahmed Ezz (actor) Born: 1971 (age 52years), Maadi, Egypt
Ahmed Ezz (actor) Height: 6 2
Is Ahmed Ezz (actor) married? When did Ahmed Ezz (actor) get married? Who's Ahmed Ezz (actor)'s married to? (Who's Ahmed Ezz (actor)'s husband / wife)?
Ahmed Ezz (actor) Spouse: Zeina (m. 20122017), Angham (m. 20112012)
Ahmed Ezz (actor) Parents: Ezzidine Ali Ezzat
Does Ahmed Ezz (actor) have any children? What are the names of Ahmed Ezz (actor)'s children? What are the ages of Ahmed Ezz (actor)'s children?
Ahmed Ezz (actor) Children: Izz al-Din Ahmed Ezz
Ahmed Ezz (Arabic: \u0623\u062d\u0645\u062f \u0639\u0632; born 12 January 1959) is an Egyptian businessman and one-time politician, the owner of Ezz Steel and the former chairman of Egypt's national assembly's budget committee.